Looking back in time, I found this doa that I made in 2013 and it was right from the bottom of my heart. Allah answers our prayers in many ways - and in some ways, its just beyond expectations. Just reading it, I realized what a sad person I was. I'm amazed by how I managed to get through days with those heavy feelings I felt. I learned that I need to be tougher and better person.
The steps that I have taken on every single journey has made me realized that I am blessed - in many ways. I may not have everything that I want, but Allah has always given me the things that I need, no doubt.
I may not have the person that I want the most, whom I used to love so dearly but I now see that I am always and constantly surrounded by those who I need. What's the point iof having that person in your life if he is not going to be there for you when you need him the most and never appreciate the sacrifices that you have made? It was the right decision to get out of a relationship that was not built to last. Took me a while to grasp the fact that the person I once loved, is not the same person I used to know and that is okay. People change, for whatever reason, they have changed for the best - even if it's not the best for you.
I still have my friends and families who love me as much as they can. In this year, I finally know the meaning to appreciate the things that I have been blessed with and never to take anyone for granted. The lyrics of your favorite songs now make more sense.
I will never stop doing the right things. And may not be the easiest but it lets you sleep better at night and look at yourself in the mirror. I'd rather be miserable than having someone else to feel miserable for my happinese.
For 2015, I'm going to make peace with the past. What happened, really did happen for many reasons. I'll make sure I'll be friends with Karma, and no slapping involve and Karma really ain't a bitch. I trully and sincerely hope that everyone of us can move on, and let the past stay in the past. Be a better person, and look at life as something beautiful.
I have finally accepted the fact that is is okay to be broken and shattered into many pieces. I don't need to be fixed. I'm going to enjoy my freedom and I love being liberated. I will live life like there is nothing to lose, because afterall, I have once lost everything.
I am glad 2014 ended with a better bigger me. I hope I can constantly stay on the right path. May Allah ease everyone's journey to be a better person.
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